We are at the end now.
Here's Table #1 from the other end
I then clamped tables 1 & 4 together. Bare in mind that this track is NOT fixed to the table at all BUT, it is positioned in the position that it will be in when glued down. The lead turnouts will be 1" in from the end while the 7 lines at the other end will be 1/2 of 3 5/8" or 1 13/16" (approximately) :). However, glueing down the track will be one of the last things to do.
Here you see what line #3 would look like coming in with both line#3 selected and power for line #3 on. You can see the 2 green LEDs showing you the route and the 2 red LEDs showing track power (the far one is a bit hard to see). I just put a couple of 9V batters on the track to see what it would look like.
But for more "fun" I figured I hook up a DCC system and see if I could run an engine! No problems other than the convoluted power setup but it all works!
And here is a closeup of the table join with the Kato expandable joiners in place. If you look at the top you'll see a stand alone joiner pulled out to its max. So, we do have room
Next step is to separate the table and mark the positions for the Power Feeds as well as for the wires that control the turnouts. Then drill holes for those wires. Not all that hard to do but I need to measure multiple times to get it right. Then I'll remove the track, flip the table over and mark the holes. All that prepares the table so I can figure out where all the electronics go (Arduino, 12V bus, track buses, turnout controllers) and all the wiring. Stay tuned for more!