Due to the ladder entry to the Fiddle Yard, all seven of the body tracks need to be shortened. The following seven articles describe the process in detail.
For the Fiddle Yard, all seven of the tracks need to be shortened. To do that I first fixed the lead turnout in place and weighted it down with some metal blocks. The lead turnout is centered on 6" and is 1" in from the edge.
Here's a close up of two "tools" / gauges I made. The black one on the bottom is 1" from the edge and the paint stir stick is set up to center the 7 tracks.
Here's the paint stick gauge being used to center two tracks
Here's the track and how close it is to the edge:
And here's another gauge I made to figure out where the track needs to end. This guide is used to mark the track for cutting. You can just see where the sharpie black mark is.
And here's a shot showing the sharpie marks indicating how much track needs to be cut back. Pretty simple so far.