The collection "Current Modules" contains examples of the modules typically used for public displays.
- Why have modules?
- The Pulp Mill two-module set
- The Restaurant and maze - with the Pulp Mill forms the "South Loop".
- The Big Rock Corner.
- Prairie Sentinel -a grain elevator.
- John C.'s prairie town.
- The Burns Fire Corner - site of a minor industrial incident.
- Cominco and Fiddle Yard exit.
- Prairie Meets Foothills.
- Athabasca Imagined #1
- Michael S.'s module
- Athabasca Imagined #2
- Brusse Industrial Park and fiddle yard entry.
- Drive-In Theater (screen is down for repair)
- Sleepee Camp Corner (campground and lake).
- Chisel Lake #1 (with Thomas the Train loop).
- Chisel Lake #2
- Long's Farm corner.
- Towson's Gas Works -The "Gasometer" (coal gas facility).
- The Engine Repair Facility & CANTRAK office building (leads into the "North Loop).
- The Roundhouse and townsite (two-module set making the North Loop).
These may change as some get retired and others are constructed.
Click here to go to the Plans and Projects Gallery
"Older Images" is a collection of random images from the past few years.
- 2007 -- Emerging from a tunnel in the snow.
- Bringing in the modules for Railway Days 2011.
- Heading into the Gunn Barn at Heritage Park -2005.]
- A townsite at Railway Days 2011.
- Entrance to the old fiddle yard - 2011.
- Bruce's city #1 -2011.
- Bruce's city (2) -2011.
- Bob Z.'s winter scene.
- Willy at "Port Arthur" -2012 Supertrain
- Club Playday setup - Feb 2012
- The old mine as seen in 2013.
- "Port Arthur" (1) - from 2013
- Another view of "Port Arthur" in 2013
- Module representing the town of Alsask - Supertrain 2013.
- Rocky Mountains behind the townsite and quarry - Supertrain 2013.
- Bruce overseeing his 3-module city in 2013.
- A pair of European prototype locomotives crossing the high trestle.